Refereeing and Evaluation Processes
Article Evaluation Method of Referees
The double-blinded method is used for all the submitted articles' scientific evaluations on Tuberculosis and Thorax.
Preliminary Assessment
The articles submitted to Tuberculosis and Thorax first go through a technical evaluation consisting of, but not limited to, controlling the necessary documents, blinding of the text and writing principles. Had anything been missing, the manuscript gets returned to the authors until everything is complete.
After that, the editor sends the article to at least two referees for evaluation.
Invitation to Referees
Referees need to respond to the invitation sent to them at a given time. They also have a deadline after accepting the invitation.
In case the referee fails to respond or evaluate the article in time, a new referee is invited for evaluation.
Referee Evaluation Method
The referee is expected to evaluate only the works in their own subject areas in line with the publication principles.
The referee makes their evaluation and opinions on the article evaluation form sent by the editor.
The referee is expected to detail their opinions and explain the reasons behind their decision instead of simply stating yes/no to the article.
If the referee rejects the article, they are expected to provide a detailed explanation to guide the authors.
The referee can use the "track changes" feature on the article file to detail the opinions expressed in the evaluation form or add comments on the file.
Evaluation of the Status of the Article
If two different referees give their opinion as "Suitable for Publication", the article is published in the journal.
If two different referees give their opinion as "Not Suitable for Publication", the article will be rejected.
If a referee accepts and the other referee requests a major or minor correction, the work is returned to the author and requested to make the necessary changes within a specified time.
The amended study is sent to the referee by the field editor again. The referee fills in the evaluation form again at this stage.
If one referee gives a positive opinion and the other referees a negative opinion during the evaluation process, the article is sent to a third referee. The opinion of this referee determines whether the article will be published or not.
Important Reminders
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